############################################################################# # This is a configuration file for the fabric-ca-server command. # # COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS AND ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES # ------------------------------------------------ # Each configuration element can be overridden via command line # arguments or environment variables. The precedence for determining # the value of each element is as follows: # 1) command line argument # Examples: # a) --port 443 # To set the listening port # b) --ca-keyfile ../mykey.pem # To set the "keyfile" element in the "ca" section below; # note the '-' separator character. # 2) environment variable # Examples: # a) FABRIC_CA_SERVER_PORT=443 # To set the listening port # b) FABRIC_CA_SERVER_CA_KEYFILE="../mykey.pem" # To set the "keyfile" element in the "ca" section below; # note the '_' separator character. # 3) configuration file # 4) default value (if there is one) # All default values are shown beside each element below. # # FILE NAME ELEMENTS # ------------------ # All filename elements below end with the word "file". # For example, see "certfile" and "keyfile" in the "ca" section. # The value of each filename element can be a simple filename, a # relative path, or an absolute path. If the value is not an # absolute path, it is interpretted as being relative to the location # of this configuration file. # ############################################################################# # Server's listening port (default: 7054) port: 7054 # Enables debug logging (default: false) debug: false ############################################################################# # TLS section for the server's listening port ############################################################################# tls: # Enable TLS (default: false) enabled: true # TLS for the server's listening port certfile: peerOrg1-cert.pem keyfile: 331cc9c5fc570a5f0f88537ca49196a0158618a9411d051dc67e8ac9fcee03a2_sk ############################################################################# # The CA section contains information related to the Certificate Authority # including the name of the CA, which should be unique for all members # of a blockchain network. It also includes the key and certificate files # used when issuing enrollment certificates (ECerts) and transaction # certificates (TCerts). # The chainfile (if it exists) contains the certificate chain which # should be trusted for this CA, where the 1st in the chain is always the # root CA certificate. ############################################################################# ca: # Name of this CA name: # Key file (default: ca-key.pem) keyfile: ca-key.pem # Certificate file (default: ca-cert.pem) certfile: ca-cert.pem # Chain file (default: chain-cert.pem) chainfile: ca-chain.pem ############################################################################# # The registry section controls how the fabric-ca-server does two things: # 1) authenticates enrollment requests which contain a username and password # (also known as an enrollment ID and secret). # 2) once authenticated, retrieves the identity's attribute names and # values which the fabric-ca-server optionally puts into TCerts # which it issues for transacting on the Hyperledger Fabric blockchain. # These attributes are useful for making access control decisions in # chaincode. # There are two main configuration options: # 1) The fabric-ca-server is the registry # 2) An LDAP server is the registry, in which case the fabric-ca-server # calls the LDAP server to perform these tasks. ############################################################################# registry: # Maximum number of times a password/secret can be reused for enrollment # (default: 0, which means there is no limit) maxEnrollments: 0 # Contains user information which is used when LDAP is disabled identities: - name: admin pass: adminpw type: client affiliation: "" attrs: hf.Registrar.Roles: "client,user,peer,validator,auditor,ca" hf.Registrar.DelegateRoles: "client,user,validator,auditor" hf.Revoker: true hf.IntermediateCA: true ############################################################################# # Database section # Supported types are: "sqlite3", "postgres", and "mysql". # The datasource value depends on the type. # If the type is "sqlite3", the datasource value is a file name to use # as the database store. Since "sqlite3" is an embedded database, it # may not be used if you want to run the fabric-ca-server in a cluster. # To run the fabric-ca-server in a cluster, you must choose "postgres" # or "mysql". ############################################################################# db: type: sqlite3 datasource: fabric-ca-server.db tls: enabled: false certfiles: db-server-cert.pem # Comma Separated (e.g. root.pem, root2.pem) client: certfile: db-client-cert.pem keyfile: db-client-key.pem ############################################################################# # LDAP section # If LDAP is enabled, the fabric-ca-server calls LDAP to: # 1) authenticate enrollment ID and secret (i.e. username and password) # for enrollment requests; # 2) To retrieve identity attributes ############################################################################# ldap: # Enables or disables the LDAP client (default: false) enabled: false # The URL of the LDAP server url: ldap://:@:/ tls: certfiles: ldap-server-cert.pem # Comma Separated (e.g. root.pem, root2.pem) client: certfile: ldap-client-cert.pem keyfile: ldap-client-key.pem ############################################################################# # Affiliation section ############################################################################# affiliations: org1: - department1 - department2 org2: - department1 ############################################################################# # Signing section ############################################################################# signing: profiles: ca: usage: - cert sign expiry: 8000h caconstraint: isca: true default: usage: - cert sign expiry: 8000h ########################################################################### # Certificate Signing Request section for generating the CA certificate ########################################################################### csr: cn: fabric-ca-server names: - C: US ST: "North Carolina" L: O: Hyperledger OU: Fabric hosts: - d49dbadd50a8 ca: pathlen: pathlenzero: expiry: ############################################################################# # Crypto section configures the crypto primitives used for all ############################################################################# crypto: software: hash_family: SHA2 security_level: 256 ephemeral: false key_store_dir: keys