@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+# Test Bootstrap function
+# Tags that can be used and will affect test internals:
+# @doNotDecompose will NOT decompose the named compose_yaml after scenario ends. Useful for setting up environment and reviewing after scenario.
+# @generateDocs will generate documentation for the scenario that can be used for both verification and comprehension.
+Feature: Bootstrap
+ As a blockchain entrepreneur
+ I want to bootstrap a new blockchain network
+ @doNotDecompose
+ @generateDocs
+ Scenario Outline: Bootstrap a development network with 4 peers (2 orgs) and 1 orderer (1 org), each having a single independent root of trust (No fabric-ca, just openssl)
+ #creates 1 self-signed key/cert pair per orderer organization
+ Given the orderer network has organizations:
+ | Organization | Readers | Writers | Admins |
+ | ordererOrg0 | member | member | admin |
+ And user requests role of orderer admin by creating a key and csr for orderer and acquires signed certificate from organization:
+ | User | Orderer | Organization |
+ | orderer0Signer | orderer0 | ordererOrg0 |
+ | orderer1Signer | orderer1 | ordererOrg0 |
+ | orderer2Signer | orderer2 | ordererOrg0 |
+ # Rolenames : MspPrincipal.proto
+ And the peer network has organizations:
+ | Organization | Readers | Writers | Admins |
+ | peerOrg0 | member | member | admin |
+# | peerOrg1 | member | member | admin |
+# | peerOrg2 | member | member | admin |
+ And a ordererBootstrapAdmin is identified and given access to all public certificates and orderer node info
+ And the ordererBootstrapAdmin creates a cert alias "bootstrapCertAlias" for orderer network bootstrap purposes for organizations
+ | Organization |
+ | ordererOrg0 |
+ And the ordererBootstrapAdmin generates a GUUID to identify the orderer system chain and refer to it by name as "OrdererSystemChainId"
+ And the ordererBootstrapAdmin creates a consortium "consortium1" (network name) for peer orgs who wish to form a network:
+ | Organization |
+ | peerOrg0 |
+# | peerOrg1 |
+# | peerOrg2 |
+ # Order info includes orderer admin/orderer information and address (host:port) from previous steps
+ # Only the peer organizations can vary.
+ And the ordererBootstrapAdmin using cert alias "bootstrapCertAlias" creates the genesis block "ordererGenesisBlock" for chain "OrdererSystemChainId" for network config policy "<PolicyType>" and consensus "<ConsensusType>" using consortiums:
+ | Consortium |
+ | consortium1 |
+ And the orderer admins inspect and approve the genesis block for chain "OrdererSystemChainId"
+ # to be used for setting the orderer genesis block path parameter in composition
+ And the orderer admins use the genesis block for chain "OrdererSystemChainId" to configure orderers
+ # We now have an orderer network with NO peers. Now need to configure and start the peer network
+ # This can be currently automated through folder creation of the proper form and placing PEMs.
+ And user requests role for peer by creating a key and csr for peer and acquires signed certificate from organization:
+ | User | Peer | Organization |AliasSavedUnder|
+ | peer0Signer | peer0 | peerOrg0 | |
+ | peer1Signer | peer1 | peerOrg0 | |
+ | peer2Signer | peer2 | peerOrg0 | |
+ | peer3Signer | peer3 | peerOrg0 | |
+ | peer0Admin | peer0 | peerOrg0 |peer-admin-cert|
+ | peer1Admin | peer1 | peerOrg0 |peer-admin-cert|
+ | peer2Admin | peer2 | peerOrg0 |peer-admin-cert|
+ | peer3Admin | peer3 | peerOrg0 |peer-admin-cert|
+ And we compose "<ComposeFile>"
+ # Sleep as to allow system up time
+ And I wait "<SystemUpWaitTime>" seconds
+ And the following application developers are defined for peer organizations and each saves their cert as alias
+ | Developer | Consortium | Organization | AliasSavedUnder |
+ | dev0Org0 | consortium1 | peerOrg0 | dev0Org0App1 |
+ | dev0Org1 | consortium1 | peerOrg0 | dev0Org1App1 |
+ # Need Consortium MSP info and
+ # need to add the ChannelWriters ConfigItem (using ChannelWriters ref name),
+ # ChannelReaders ConfigItem (using ChannelReaders ref name)AnchorPeers ConfigItem
+ # and the ChaincodeLifecyclePolicy Config Item
+ # NOTE: Template1 will simply hold refs to peer orgs that can create in this channel at the moment
+ And the user "dev0Org0" creates a peer template "template1" with chaincode deployment policy using consortium "consortium1" and peer organizations:
+ | Organization |
+ | peerOrg0 |
+# | peerOrg1 |
+ And the user "dev0Org0" creates an peer anchor set "anchors1" for channel "com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1" for orgs:
+ | User | Peer | Organization |
+ | peer0Signer | peer0 | peerOrg0 |
+# | peer2Signer | peer2 | peerOrg0 |
+ # TODO: grab the peer orgs from template1 and put into Murali's MSP info SCIs.
+ # Entry point for creating a channel from existing templates
+ And the user "dev0Org0" creates a ConfigUpdateEnvelope "createChannelConfigUpdate1"
+ | ChannelID | Template | Consortium | Anchors |
+ | com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1 | template1 | consortium1 | anchors1 |
+ And the user "dev0Org0" collects signatures for ConfigUpdateEnvelope "createChannelConfigUpdate1" from developers:
+ | Developer | Cert Alias |
+ | dev0Org0 | dev0Org0App1 |
+ | dev0Org1 | dev0Org1App1 |
+ And the user "dev0Org0" creates a ConfigUpdate Tx "configUpdateTx1" using cert alias "dev0Org0App1" using signed ConfigUpdateEnvelope "createChannelConfigUpdate1"
+ And the user "dev0Org0" using cert alias "dev0Org0App1" broadcasts ConfigUpdate Tx "configUpdateTx1" to orderer "<orderer0>" to create channel "com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1"
+ # Sleep as the deliver takes a bit to have the first block ready
+ And I wait "<BroadcastWaitTime>" seconds
+ When user "dev0Org0" using cert alias "dev0Org0App1" connects to deliver function on orderer "<orderer0>"
+ And user "dev0Org0" sends deliver a seek request on orderer "<orderer0>" with properties:
+ | ChainId | Start | End |
+ | com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1 | 0 | 0 |
+ Then user "dev0Org0" should get a delivery "genesisBlockForMyNewChannel" from "<orderer0>" of "1" blocks with "1" messages within "1" seconds
+ Given user "dev0Org0" gives "genesisBlockForMyNewChannel" to user "dev0Org1"
+ Given user "dev0Org0" gives "genesisBlockForMyNewChannel" to user "peer0Admin"
+ Given user "dev0Org0" gives "genesisBlockForMyNewChannel" to user "peer1Admin"
+ # This is entry point for joining an existing channel
+ When user "peer0Admin" using cert alias "peer-admin-cert" requests to join channel using genesis block "genesisBlockForMyNewChannel" on peers with result "joinChannelResult"
+ | Peer |
+ | peer0 |
+ Then user "peer0Admin" expects result code for "joinChannelResult" of "200" from peers:
+ | Peer |
+ | peer0 |
+ When user "peer1Admin" using cert alias "peer-admin-cert" requests to join channel using genesis block "genesisBlockForMyNewChannel" on peers with result "joinChannelResult"
+ | Peer |
+ | peer1 |
+ Then user "peer1Admin" expects result code for "joinChannelResult" of "200" from peers:
+ | Peer |
+ | peer1 |
+ Given user "dev0Org1" gives "genesisBlockForMyNewChannel" to user "peer2Admin"
+ Given user "dev0Org1" gives "genesisBlockForMyNewChannel" to user "peer3Admin"
+ When user "peer2Admin" using cert alias "peer-admin-cert" requests to join channel using genesis block "genesisBlockForMyNewChannel" on peers with result "joinChannelResult"
+ | Peer |
+ | peer2 |
+ Then user "peer2Admin" expects result code for "joinChannelResult" of "200" from peers:
+ | Peer |
+ | peer2 |
+ When user "peer3Admin" using cert alias "peer-admin-cert" requests to join channel using genesis block "genesisBlockForMyNewChannel" on peers with result "joinChannelResult"
+ | Peer |
+ | peer3 |
+ Then user "peer3Admin" expects result code for "joinChannelResult" of "200" from peers:
+ | Peer |
+ | peer3 |
+ # Entry point for invoking on an existing channel
+ When user "peer0Admin" creates a chaincode spec "cc_spec" with name "example02" of type "GOLANG" for chaincode "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/examples/chaincode/go/chaincode_example02" with args
+ | funcName | arg1 | arg2 | arg3 | arg4 |
+ | init | a | 100 | b | 200 |
+ # Under the covers, create a deployment spec, etc.
+ And user "peer0Admin" using cert alias "peer-admin-cert" creates a install proposal "installProposal1" for channel "com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1" using chaincode spec "cc_spec"
+ And user "peer0Admin" using cert alias "peer-admin-cert" sends proposal "installProposal1" to endorsers with timeout of "90" seconds with proposal responses "installProposalResponses":
+ | Endorser |
+ | peer0 |
+ Then user "peer0Admin" expects proposal responses "installProposalResponses" with status "200" from endorsers:
+ | Endorser |
+ | peer0 |
+ Given user "peer0Admin" gives "cc_spec" to user "peer2Admin"
+ # Under the covers, create a deployment spec, etc.
+ When user "peer2Admin" using cert alias "peer-admin-cert" creates a install proposal "installProposal1" for channel "com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1" using chaincode spec "cc_spec"
+ And user "peer2Admin" using cert alias "peer-admin-cert" sends proposal "installProposal1" to endorsers with timeout of "90" seconds with proposal responses "installProposalResponses":
+ | Endorser |
+ | peer2 |
+ Then user "peer2Admin" expects proposal responses "installProposalResponses" with status "200" from endorsers:
+ | Endorser |
+ | peer2 |
+ Given user "peer0Admin" gives "cc_spec" to user "dev0Org0"
+ # Under the covers, create a deployment spec, etc.
+ When user "dev0Org0" using cert alias "dev0Org0App1" creates a instantiate proposal "instantiateProposal1" for channel "com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1" using chaincode spec "cc_spec"
+ And user "dev0Org0" using cert alias "dev0Org0App1" sends proposal "instantiateProposal1" to endorsers with timeout of "90" seconds with proposal responses "instantiateProposalResponses":
+ | Endorser |
+ | peer0 |
+ | peer2 |
+ Then user "dev0Org0" expects proposal responses "instantiateProposalResponses" with status "200" from endorsers:
+ | Endorser |
+ | peer0 |
+ | peer2 |
+ And user "dev0Org0" expects proposal responses "instantiateProposalResponses" each have the same value from endorsers:
+ | Endorser |
+ | peer0 |
+ | peer2 |
+ When the user "dev0Org0" creates transaction "instantiateTx1" from proposal "instantiateProposal1" and proposal responses "instantiateProposalResponses" for channel "com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1"
+ And the user "dev0Org0" broadcasts transaction "instantiateTx1" to orderer "<orderer1>" on channel "com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1"
+ # Sleep as the deliver takes a bit to have the first block ready
+ And I wait "2" seconds
+ And user "dev0Org0" sends deliver a seek request on orderer "<orderer0>" with properties:
+ | ChainId | Start | End |
+ | com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1 | 1 | 1 |
+ Then user "dev0Org0" should get a delivery "deliveredInstantiateTx1Block" from "<orderer0>" of "1" blocks with "1" messages within "1" seconds
+ # Sleep as the deliver takes a bit to have the first block ready
+ And I wait "1" seconds
+ # Entry point for invoking on an existing channel
+ When user "dev0Org0" creates a chaincode invocation spec "querySpec1" using spec "cc_spec" with input:
+ | funcName | arg1 |
+ | query | a |
+ # Under the covers, create a deployment spec, etc.
+ And user "dev0Org0" using cert alias "dev0Org0App1" creates a proposal "queryProposal1" for channel "com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1" using chaincode spec "querySpec1"
+ And user "dev0Org0" using cert alias "dev0Org0App1" sends proposal "queryProposal1" to endorsers with timeout of "30" seconds with proposal responses "queryProposal1Responses":
+ | Endorser |
+ | peer0 |
+ | peer2 |
+ Then user "dev0Org0" expects proposal responses "queryProposal1Responses" with status "200" from endorsers:
+ | Endorser |
+ | peer0 |
+ | peer2 |
+ And user "dev0Org0" expects proposal responses "queryProposal1Responses" each have the same value from endorsers:
+ | Endorser |
+ | peer0 |
+ | peer2 |
+ # Entry point for invoking on an existing channel
+ When user "dev0Org0" creates a chaincode invocation spec "invocationSpec1" using spec "cc_spec" with input:
+ | funcName | arg1 | arg2 | arg3 |
+ | invoke | a | b | 10 |
+ # Under the covers, create a deployment spec, etc.
+ And user "dev0Org0" using cert alias "dev0Org0App1" creates a proposal "invokeProposal1" for channel "com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1" using chaincode spec "invocationSpec1"
+ And user "dev0Org0" using cert alias "dev0Org0App1" sends proposal "invokeProposal1" to endorsers with timeout of "30" seconds with proposal responses "invokeProposal1Responses":
+ | Endorser |
+ | peer0 |
+ | peer2 |
+ Then user "dev0Org0" expects proposal responses "invokeProposal1Responses" with status "200" from endorsers:
+ | Endorser |
+ | peer0 |
+ | peer2 |
+ And user "dev0Org0" expects proposal responses "invokeProposal1Responses" each have the same value from endorsers:
+ | Endorser |
+ | peer0 |
+ | peer2 |
+ When the user "dev0Org0" creates transaction "invokeTx1" from proposal "invokeProposal1" and proposal responses "invokeProposal1Responses" for channel "com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1"
+ And the user "dev0Org0" broadcasts transaction "invokeTx1" to orderer "<orderer2>" on channel "com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1"
+ # Sleep as the deliver takes a bit to have the first block ready
+ And I wait "2" seconds
+ And user "dev0Org0" sends deliver a seek request on orderer "<orderer0>" with properties:
+ | ChainId | Start | End |
+ | com.acme.blockchain.jdoe.Channel1 | 2 | 2 |
+ Then user "dev0Org0" should get a delivery "deliveredInvokeTx1Block" from "<orderer0>" of "1" blocks with "1" messages within "1" seconds
+ # TODO: Once events are working, consider listen event listener as well.
+ Examples: Orderer Options
+ | ComposeFile | SystemUpWaitTime | ConsensusType | BroadcastWaitTime | orderer0 | orderer1 | orderer2 |Orderer Specific Info|
+ | docker-compose-next-4.yml | 0 | solo | 2 | orderer0 | orderer0 | orderer0 | |
+# | docker-compose-next-4.yml ./environments/orderer-1-kafka-1/docker-compose.yml orderer-3-kafka-1.yml | 5 | kafka | 5 | orderer0 | orderer1 | orderer2 | |
+# | docker-compose-next-4.yml docker-compose-next-4-couchdb.yml | 10 | solo | 2 | orderer0 | orderer0 | orderer0 | |
+# | docker-compose-next-4.yml docker-compose-next-4-couchdb.yml ./environments/orderer-1-kafka-1/docker-compose.yml orderer-3-kafka-1.yml | 10 | kafka | 5 | orderer0 | orderer1 | orderer2 | |
+# | docker-compose-next-4.yml ./environments/orderer-1-kafka-3/docker-compose.yml | 5 | kafka | 5 | orderer0 | orderer1 | orderer2 | |